I’m a small-scale free-range pig farmer and smallholder based just outside Abergavenny (Wales) in the Brecon Beacons National Park. This place is special to me because I spent time here as a child on my grandparents’ farm. I loved the space, the life and the markets. Now, some 40 years later, I'm back working the same land rearing free-range, rare breed pigs. I like being small in scale. I love spending time with my animals. This is the way I choose to produce decent meat.
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order & Availability
I’m a small scale meat producer and meat is usually available every 4-6 weeks. I take orders in advance and will keep you updated by email about delivery dates. The next meat is available in August 2025. Piggy-Bank gift vouchers are also available at any time. Please click on the order button below to reserve your meat, place an order or ask about availability.
Latest news
Lunchtime walk with #ErnieDog. Water barrelling down off the hills into the river and carpets of wild garlic everyw… https://t.co/0Jr829fKmV
Morning chat with WinnieThePig #BitTooFreeRange 🐽 https://t.co/IdsFQbk55v
“Great tasting meat from animals that live a free range life.”